'My Europe – Latvia' on 15 May at 7pm_Online Event

EUROPE DIRECT Aachen Information Centre and its partners invite you to a free event.
Your participation is very welcome, as is further distribution of the invitation.

My Europe - Latvia

with Adelina Edelhoff

Wed, 15.05.2024 from 7 to 8.30 p.m. (CET)


Free participation: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/65061982296?pwd=eFh1eWRINnJ0NjJFTWRhWGNVMi9OUT09

Online event

'My Europe' is an interactive digital event series that lets its guests discover Europe. On 15th May, Adelina Edelhoff will take the audience on a virtual journey to Latvia.

Adelina Edelhoff was born in Riga, Latvia. She is finishing her bilingual high school diploma this year in Germany. Nevertheless, she is not only studying for her final exams but staying connected to her Latvian culture. On the one hand, she knits most of her time, takes photos that capture special moments, and on the other hand she helps to educate others on Latvian values and traditions such as the “Latvian Song and Dance Festival”. Her general interests are the European identity, creative work and traveling as much as possible.

The moderator is Henri Schlund, freelance journalist.


The evening is part of the 'My Europe' series at www.mein-europa.de .

More Information: https://ogy.de/Latvia-2024

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52062 Aachen

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