
Lifetime Achievement Award – Anneli Sarhimaa, Professor of Northern European and Baltic Languages

The Finnish Alfred Kordelin Foundation, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020, has awarded Professor Anneli Sarhimaa the Alfred Kordelin Award of 30,000 euro based on her scientific achievements and social activities for the benefit of linguistic minorities in Northern Europe. In the explanatory memorandum to the Award, the Kordelin Foundation states the following:


Anneli Sarhimaa is a prominent researcher on multilingualism and minority languages ​​in Northern Europe. Through her open-minded and analytical work, she has promoted linguistic sociological and community-based research on minority languages ​​in Northern Europe. The focus of her research is on the Karelian language and the future prospects of Finnish Karelian speakers. The research is based on a strong knowledge of the field and work with the Karelian community. In this way, Sarhimaa has produced a wealth of new information about Karelians in Finland. At the same time, she has shown major shortcomings in Finland's current language legislation. Comprehensive knowledge based on his research work is utilized in both academic and societal contexts.

Issues concerning minority language communities reflect the prevailing language policy in society more broadly. Sarhimaa’s key merits include developing remedial measures to maintain and enhance cultural diversity. Through her activities, she has significantly promoted the discussion on minority languages ​​and language communities, broadened the terminology used in the discussion and thus provided a model for both researchers and the Finnish Karelian community.

Anneli Sarhimaa has been distinguished as a determined researcher working in the conditions of multidisciplinary science making, as well as an organizer and networker of research. Sarhimaa is Professor of Northern European and Baltic Languages ​​at the University of Mainz in Germany. She has worked in Mainz for almost twenty years and has greatly contributed to the visibility of Finnish culture in Central Europe.”


Let’s get Karelian back by speaking it!

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa, Leiterin der Abteilung Sprachen Nordeuropas und des Baltikums, ist in Finnland zur karelischen Sprache interviewt worden. Dabei spricht sie darüber, wer in Finnland die karelisch sprechenden Karelier eigentlich sind und wie es dazu gekommen ist, dass die Sprache mittlerweile akut bedroht ist. Weiterlesen "Let’s get Karelian back by speaking it!"

Digitale Sprachdiversität erhöhen

Der Forschungs- und Lehrbereich Sprachen Nordeuropas und des Baltikums (SNEB) der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (JGU) hat sich unter der Leitung von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa als Mitglied im Konsortium des Digital Language Diversity Projects (DLDP) im Rahmen des Erasmus-Plus-Programms erneut erfolgreich um Forschungsgelder beworben. Das Projekt hat eine Laufzeit von drei Jahren, Ziel ist die Stärkung und Erhöhung der digitalen Präsenz europäischer Regional- und Minderheitensprachen. Weiterlesen "Digitale Sprachdiversität erhöhen"

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ELDIA-Buch erschienen

Von 2010 bis 2013 lief das internationale Projekt ELDIA, koordiniert von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anneli Sarhimaa an der JGU, nun ist das Buch "Towards Openly Multilingual Policies and Practices", das auf den ELDIA-Resultaten basiert im Verlag Multilingual Matters erschienen. Weiterlesen "ELDIA-Buch erschienen"

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Erasmus Infoveranstaltung

Du studierst Linguistik im BA oder MA und ein Austausch-Semester in Nordeuropa oder dem Baltikum ist dein Traum?

Es soll schon 2015/2016 losgehen?

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